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Invited to Music Beta by Google
Software Protection Initiative - Lightweight Portable Security
15 June 2011: LPS-Remote Access was certified by AFNIC to connect to the GIG for general telecommuting use.
Lightweight Portable Security (LPS) creates a secure end node from trusted media on almost any Intel-based computer (PC or Mac). LPS boots a thin Linux operating system from a CD or USB flash stick without mounting a local hard drive. Administrator privileges are not required; nothing is installed. The ATSPI Technology Office created the LPS family to address particular use cases. LPS-Public is a safer, general-purpose solution for using web-based applications. The accredited LPS-Remote Access is only for accessing your organization's private network.
LPS-Public allows general web browsing and connecting to remote networks. It includes a smart card-enabled Firefox browser supporting CAC and PIV cards, a PDF and text viewer, Java, and Encryption Wizard - Public. LPS-Public turns an untrusted system (such as a home computer) into a trusted network client. No trace of work activity (or malware) can be written to the local computer. Simply plug in your USB smart card reader to access CAC- and PIV-restricted US government websites.
The Fed Audit - Newsroom: U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (Vermont)
What to do with a SIX CORE CPU?
The CPU is an (AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Black Edition Thuban 3.2GHz Socket AM3 125W Six-Core Desktop Processor HDT90ZFBGRBOX) from And 6GB of DDR3 RAM.
QUESTION: What do you do with a X6 core CPU? Games are going to be fun, for sure. But what sort of server applications can be run on this sort of platform.
Here is the short list I can come up with.
1. TOR client, Linux flavor.
2. Polipo client, Linux flavor.
3. Virtual Machine running some flavor of windows, maybe XP or WIN7?
4. Apache Web Server.
5. SSH Server
6. Minecraft server (Linux)
7. BitCoin client, Linux Flavor.
8. Bittorrent client.
9. VSFTPD client.
Liveleak is hosting Anders Behring Breivik's Video
Check it out:
This is how propaganda of the deed works. You commit the deed, sacrifice your life, in the name of gaining wider recognition and possibly acceptance of the cause.
Parts of the EU are cracking under the strain of demographic shifts, and failure of alien cultures to assimilate. Nationalism is...still an issue for Europe, despite last century's war.
I certainly agree with Anders that the United Nations are a corrupt and politically dangerous organization that must be resisted, with force, by American patriots. The UN influence must be exercised from the polity as an acceptable venue for any activity that the US of A is involved with, and the liason's of the United Nations who are US citizens must be liquidated as they are traitors to the US constitution.
As for Anders Breivik's anti-islam sentiment, I take a different position. First and foremost I must state with what regards I believe the US has the potential to become a growth Market for Islam. I think the GWOT has made it politically unacceptable to the American public and it's sectors of (waning) Christendom. So, not being up close and personal to the "threat" posed by Islamification of Europe, I have some distance from what seems to be his vision of the dangers imposed (by demographic shifts in the EU).
He appears to have used a Mini-14 according to his shot at 12:09 on the video. He also had secured a pretty cool chest rig and multiple magazines. This is the sort of weapon and set up you would ostensibly need to perform this "action." I wonder if and to what degree he was knowlegdgable in European history, military history, special operations warfare, and counter-terrorist training. His target selection of an isolated Island, coincident to the bombing, was sheer brilliance in terms of operational planning, execution, COMSEC, OPSEC, egress, etc.
We still have to wonder why he was taken alive? Why did he allow them to capture him, knowing that he would be tortured and executed by the system?
Also Don't forget to check out his cool soundtrack/fb cache generously hosted by publicintelligence:
I thought "for sure, this guy is a metal dude." But then he posts all this awesome Euro trance-techno, blows my mind...
Anders Behring Breivik
Anders Behring Breivik: what kind of firearm did he use? What make, model, caliber? How many magazines how many shell casings, how many shots fired?
What kind of bomb? VBIED? detonator? Logistical planning? Placement towards targets? Cell detonated? Basic chemistry, electronics self starter?
How political views? Nationalist? Did he leave a manifesto? Did he upload his Fb profile? Angry rants still posted somewhere? Why was he taken alive? Christian? 32 year that christ began his worldy ministry. Part of a cell? Accomplicies? Acquaintances? History of drug use? Psychological evaluation? Use of psychotrpic prescription drugs?
Breivik: single handly decimates youth caste of ruling norwegian party. One man throws down the gauntlet. The propaganda of the deed is greater than the states ability to prosecute. One man captures global attention span for a day. Epic metal head, black metal
Bizarre hillary clinton outfit.
Watch "Clinton Speech 20 May 2011 - Changes to Iranian Student Visa Validity" on YouTube
Now we know she is a s
skeksis PGP on your linux machine
Watch "Linux HOWTO: Secure Your Data with PGP, Part 1" on YouTube
This is a great demo! High signal vid on basic crypto theory, etc.
E book reader CPU
Why doesn't barnes and noble or amazon put a 1ghz cpu into their dressers to make them decent rather than the excruciatingly slow performance pace of todays common models? Its just the industry being dumb and greedy.
GPS datalogging shield for Arduino
Network Tools by
DEFCON 18: Mobile Privacy: Tor on the iPhone and Other Unusual Devices 1/2 - YouTube
Top 5 Linux Video Editor Software
Outstanding Tutorial on Android Programming
Smart Matchboxes before Smart Dust
Went to a seminar today in the ICT building titled 'Java on Wireless Sensor Devices' given by Cristina Cifuentes (of Sun Labs), and now an Adjunct Professor at The University of Queensland. It was about the new 'SunSPOT' technology that Sun Microsystems has just released in a retail kit form, in the US. See the Sun SPOT (Small Programmable Object Technology) in figure 1 - they are about 10% larger than a matchbox.
These things are really aimed for somebody like me - i.e. I don't want to have to dabble in low level C code just to do things between the DigitalFriend and wireless sensors, I want to be able to do it in Java, in object-oriented programming at the very least, but probably in agent-oriented programming. Its not that I don't know C, I used to do training courses for it in the late 80's, it just feels like such a retrograde step - it would be like going back to riding an old bicycle in the rain after driving an Ford XR6 in the sun.
Cristina talked about 'programmable things', about 'programming the world', about earlier (non-Java) sensor projects, including: the Smart Dust project - where they eventually aim to do this stuff on a device the size of a grain of sand (i.e. currently hyperthetical, see:; Berkley Mote (8-bit processor); and the Intel Mote technology. SUN saw a market for mid level programmer-friendly devices based on 32bit processors for WSNs (wireless sensor networks) capable of running their Java technology - "for research and development purposes", before the smaller devices are widely available. Hence the matchbox-sized 'bit of dust' in figure 1, rather than the cubic millimeter version. The SunSPOT has built-in radio/wireless 802.15.4 antenna, 3-axis (x,y,z) accelerometer (for tracking the device in 3D), temperature sensor, light sensor, 8 tri-colour LEDs (i.e. thats an 8x1 pixel screen with 3 colours - not much chop!), 6 analog inputs for other external sensor input, 2 switches/buttons. The processor is a 180MHz 32bit ARM with 512K RAM / 4M Flash. It is "Java on bare metal", is programmer-friendly (can use any standard Java IDE hence high-level debugging on your desktop Mac, Windows, Linux, Unix box), runs multiple programs (multiple 'isolates'), allows over-the-air deployment. Sun Microsystems sees markets in: Robotics, Art, Toys, Personal Electronics, programming the world (i.e. what researchers call ubiquitous and pervasive computing) ... mmm, I've got to get one of these integrated with a DigitalFriend, to program the individual's personal world, things around the home.
When asked about battery life, she said it has 3 modes: deep sleep, shallow sleep, and awake. In deep sleep it will last about 950 days(!), but in fully awake mode all day, its good for about one day. Wireless range is 90 to 30 Metres (variation must depend on obstacles?). Its not Bluetooth.
She mentioned several projects that are using sensor networks in useful ways - on the San Francisco bridge, where they measure structural parameters (e.g. stress and strain), environmental projects including one used to track the spread of cane toads (rampant introduced pests) in Australia... if they are putting SunSPOTs on the back of toads, it will kill em one way or the other - if the payload doesn't wear them down, at $550 US for two SunSPOTs, people will be tracking them down for the devices and removing the toad:)
Facebook warrents by leo
Requests for warrants to investigate the Facebook
accounts of known suspects is surging.
The U.S . Federal Bureau of Investigation , Immigration
and Customs Enforcement, Drug Enforcement
Administration and other such agencies often
gain access to the social networking accounts with the
user’ s knowledge.
The cases typically range from acts of terrorism , to
rape and even arson. Law enforcement will generally
scour the accounts, delving into everything from
friend’ s lists, calendars, events, posting updates, links,
videos, photos and will even look back at rejected
friend requests. Under U.S . laws , neither Facebook
nor the government has to inform a user when an
account is being searched by law officials.
According to Reuters, at least two dozen warrants
have been granted by federal judges to search the
Facebook accounts of suspects. In addition, another
11 warrants have been authorized by federal agencies
this year alone, nearly double that for 2010 .
Not one of the warrants have been challenged
regarding violating a person’ s Fourth Amendment
rights against unlawful search and seizure. The exact
number of warrants served on Facebook is not easy to
figure out because a few records are sealed, and
warrant applications oftentimes involve case names
that are not typical according to Reuters.
In a telephone interview with Reuters, Facebook’s
Chief Security Officer Joe Sullivan, did not disclose the
number of warrants that had been served on the
company. He said Facebook is mindful of user privacy
and that it does not openly welcome law- enforcement
“fishing expeditions.”
The Facebook search warrants typically demand a
user’ s “neoprint” and “photoprint, ” Facebook terms for
profile and photo information that are unavailable to
account holders — these words appear in manuals for
law enforcement agencies on how to request data
from Facebook. The manuals, which are said to be
posted on various public- advocacy websites ,
according to Reuters, appear to have been prepared
by Facebook, although a spokesman for the company
declined to confirm their authenticity.
Reportedly, Twitter and some other social networking
sites have adopted policies to contact customers when
their accounts are being investigated with regards to
legal matters.
Readers, what do you think about the surge in law
enforcement requests to search Facebook users
Wired Release Lamo Manning IRC or whatever chat msg logs
"(11:27:18 AM) bradass87: i was a short (still am), very intelligent (could read at 3 and multiply / divide by 4), very effeminate, and glued to a computer screen at these young ages [MSDOS / Windows 3.1 timeframe]… i played SimCity [the original] obsessively"
Chrome OS on the Google Cr-48
Its not about hunting guys. These are the people who legislate away our constitutional freedoms and sell us out to the Red Chinese. I'm glad John Edwards has gotten slapped with all kinds of federal law suit type stuff. Frankly.
Ancient radio shack cellular phone commercial.
Watch "Retro Commercial - Radio Shack Cell Phones - 1990" on YouTube
Well worth the quick watch!
It looks more like a ruggidized military hand set. Amazing how far cell phones have come in capability and miniaturization.
YouTube - Morbid Angel - God of Emptiness (Wacken 2006)
WikiLeaks' Brilliant MasterCard Commercial Parody
Vsftpd somes ftp client for linux ubuntu. Correction: WAS able to get it to work. Tried a lot of command line (rox terminal).
Zebra play ball like a big snot guard.jogger jogger hotter than an otter. Basketball (wont suggest technopolis). Lett me see if I can understand what you mean is this an improvement logger conventional means of input input seems to require a loop de loop that iras to say import import input input input requires a loop de loop. Fascism and statism goo hand in hand.yogi must must route ryder the inner fascist my hand is my magic wand and no nee ed corr took enter space bar.
UPDATE: I was able to get vsftpd working after working with it late last night, listening, port forwarded through the LAN network here.
But can't seem to go through the Motorola Atrix via ATT's 4G Cellular data network. Does ATT have some sort of block on SSH ports? I wonder?
The bedford incident
Black and white the black dude is the heat of the night. An ex uboat pilot from the third reich is called in to interpret.1964-65?
Good morning america how are you?
All lies
Everyone knows good and well that the us media is lying about the state of jobs in this economy! The claims that the us unemployment has risen from 9.1 to 9.2 percent are an absurd and cruel joke. The real measure of unemployment and underemployment is considerably higher, easily double the labor statistics value. The fact of the matter is the economy needs only produce enough for those who are employed, ergo the rest are slowley filtered out of the physical and digital logistics streams. They have become ghosts, those structurally unemployable persons whom the "official" bean counters conveniently abstain from counting. Many persons have given up work since the jobs that are bothering don't pay a living wage, so work at this level is indentured slavery. Such persons are indentured by subsistence anxiety, the need not to live on the street. And where they find underemployment there they find again the disinterest and anonymity of the official labor staticians. Who believes the official figures? They are propaganda! They aren't fooling anyone. We have known for some time that obama has failed as a president. We now know for instance that he has failed to turn the tide of economic collapse with which this absurd and degenerate system hurtles towards. The fact that the officials of officialdom lie with such frequency and consistency is a grave warning that things are only getting worse in Amerikkka. A civil disturbance, probably due to rising food cost, may spark an open revolt and resistance to a corrupt federal order. As the unemployment situation continues to devolve we will see more propaganda announcing that things are only getting incrementally worse, that things are even getting increasingly smallerly worse, pushing the decimal place to include more zeros, as if the economic crimes of this banking mafia administration could somehow hide their crimes in all those zeros.