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In response to Thinkprogress's article on NRA declining role in public policy

Media Matters: NRA Dangerous Except When it Isn’t

So is the NRA really an insidious, powerful organization that controls a cabal of sinister puppet masters or not? The liberal media time and time again paints the NRA as exactly that, noting that any talk of gun control could be a hot button issue – and rightfully so we believe.
There is talk that no one can “stand up to the NRA,” and even Media Matters for America – the left leaning so-called watchdog site – often notes. But then last week, it suggested, “The Media Myth Of NRA Electoral Dominance Debunked.” The story noted:
However, a detailed new analysis suggests that the NRA’s past electoral impact is massively overblown.
The most recent installment of a Think Progress series examining the electoral strength of the NRA by American Prospect contributing editor Paul Waldman (who previously worked for Media Matters) debunks the long running narrative that the NRA had a huge impact on the 1994 and 2000 elections, calling this a “mistaken reading of history.” According to Waldman, “what the NRA claims credit for usually turns out upon closer examination to be nothing more than elections in which Republicans do well,” while when Democrats win, as they did in 2006 and 2008, “the NRA is quiet.”
So we say let President Obama run on a ticket of gun control, let Democrats push for gun control. Let’s see if this fear of the NRA is real.
Something tells us they won’t. Because it isn’t the NRA that is the puppet masters, nor does this organization operate as a cabal of nefarious and sinister plotters. It is the voters! The voters are the ones who are pushing for less gun control and protection of the Second Amendment, but this doesn’t matter to Media Matters!

Media Matters Claims Gallup Poll “Misleading”

Remember last fall’s Gallup Poll that the media widely ignored? This was the one that showed that most Americans do not actually support gun control, but apparently Media Matters for America – the left-leaning watchdog site – seems to think that it actually has gotten too much coverage.
An October Gallup poll on gun violence prevention that media outlets used to falsely claim that “support for gun control” had plummeted is still in use…
We have to disagree that was hardly a big news story, so this attempt to paint is as falsely spread news is false. We’d also like to ask Media Matters did it matter that the media inaccurately reported that 90-percent of guns used by Mexican cartels came from the United States?
But of course Media Matters also takes aim at the poll’s results noting:
The same poll found that 87 percent of respondents want the laws covering the sales of firearms either kept as they are now or made stricter, demonstrating broad national support for gun control.
To this we respond by saying, HOW WAS THE POLL WORDED? The poll asked the question that offered the response “kept as they are now or made stricter,” which could suggest that some people merely wanted the laws keep as they are now. This fact was never hidden either.
There is also a difference between the laws covering the sales of firearms and gun control, which could include making guns illegal.

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