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The Central Government and Security Forces must be abolished!

Really enjoying the latest release of LEO document dump from Anon with the stated purpose to "disrupt and sabotage their ability to communicate and terrorize communities." 

Considering that so-called terrorist orgs on their best days never kill more US citizens than even a fraction of what tobacco and auto accidents do in this country on a daily basis we must ask why (as a nation) are spending so many resources combating this non-threat? I think the whole 9-11 "Al-Qaeda" threat was a scam false flag setup by the military industrial complex to ensure it had welfare heading into the new century. 

We as Americans have to wake up to the fact that the biggest threat to our safety, well being, and economic security are the people running the show, which means the central government and the security forces. The central government (FEDGOV) is organizing our society into an ever more draconian police state, has created a vast apparatus of oppression using secret police, secret tribunals, extra-judicial executions, torture, false arrest and imprisonment, a phony war on drugs, never ending illegal wars of foreign occupation for resources abroad, slavery at home through unsustainable wages and unlimited protections for the corporations who violate the rights and well-being of the citizenry over and against the constitution, propaganda and misdirection, economic manipulation by the central banks to debase the currency and reduce the citizenry to penury, environmental destruction including alteration of the earth's atmosphere and destruction of the forests and biodiversity, and finally and perhaps most pernicious of all instituting through the use of computers and data networks an insidious micromanagement of time so that human consciousness itself becomes a neurotic impertinence of ever increasing industrial demands totally disconnected from a truly human mode of experiencing. 

Everyday we are getting closer to revolution in the United States b/c the machinations of the corrupt political order are failing to produce the desired results, in fact just the opposite. There has been too much greed in their designs, and as a result soon the political and security orders will start killing each other as happened in the Mexican PRI party which led to an end of it's sixty-odd year monopoly. What form that revolution will ultimately take is difficult to say at this point, since we can not know precisely the time which it will evolve into an active (kinetic) and public (open) form of resistance against the central authority. 

It is very important that the common man understands that under the current order he has no future, and that only through revolutionary struggle can he secure his future. With this thought we endeavor to smash the apparatus of state oppression and restore the constitution. 

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