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Trayvon Martin Shooting Unlikely To Change Gun Debate, Lawmakers Concede

Trayvon Martin Shooting Unlikely To Change Gun Debate, Lawmakers Concede: ""This package of common-sense gun safety bills would sail through Congress if it wasn’t for the special interest gun lobby," he said in a statement at the time. "It's time to put aside business as usual in Washington, and start considering the safety of our families over special interests.""

Spoken like an elitist NWO scum that Lautenberg "Duel citizen and Zionist traitor to America" is. Gun saftey? Nonsense! Gun safety from the mouth's of fascists is code for confiscation and victimization of the public (read: proles, slaves, middle and lower class wage slaves, lumpen, etc) at the hands of the criminal element created, trained, and sustained by the failed fascist racist gulag prison industrial complex. Would-be gun confiscatory regimes established by Lautenberg fascist pig in the pay of his master Bloomberg, the latter a high priest of the New World Order Neo-Liberal enslavement campaign. Lautenterd has no concern for American families who would only become endangered if such laws were passed. The absurdity that the America citizenry even tolerates this gerontocracy of traitors! America awake and smash the fascists!

Lautenberg is the lowest worm of the US political system (itself a decaying corpse of the 1950s era behaviorism). He feeds on tragedy, he is the corpse surfer par excellence. He rides the wave of dead bodies to a media conference where he injects fascist, slavish state-worship and demagoguery worthy of an orator of the Third Reich or Soviet.

“There are some surprising facts people should know,” McCarthy said in a statement to HuffPost last week. “I and many others who support reasonable restrictions on guns are not trying to take away anyone’s rights. We want to keep the most dangerous weapons out of the hands of the most dangerous people.”

Keep the most dangerous weapons out of the most dangerous hands? The most dangerous weapon is the one being used at any given time to injure or kill you. And it can take the form of a knife, a gun, a car, a piece of rope, anything. In this context she implies that we know who the most dangerous people are, but how can we *ever* know who the most dangerous people are unless we enact a fascist, Orwellian society of thought-crime and thought-policing that a priori disables the rights of the citizenry? 

And going still further, the most dangerous people are the bankers at Goldman Sachs and other large "financial" firms who have done more damage to this country than a thousand 9-11 "terror" attacks and a million bin ladens. Yet no one is calling on a collective crusade and deficit spending to drop JDAM bombs on the houses of bankers, or those who are making bankers, the latter of which are increasingly a kind of (financial) terrorist, and the robo-signed loan as a kind of financial IED.  

McCarthy does the other historical McCarthy justice by initiating her own modern era witch-hunt against civilian gun ownership and firearm rights. In the same breath she says that she wants not to destroy rights of the citizenry but also she wants to destroy the rights of the citizenry through. Who is diluted enough to believe in their cause and not see through the blatant lies of these NWO shills and traitor-scum? 

This huffpo gungrabber article is replete with the Loughnerized canards of "15 bullets in 31 seconds" jingoism. Well worth reading if you want a good laugh at a failed attempt to troll the bedrock decency of right leaning Americans. 


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