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George W. Bush showing us the way forward...

Politically, George W. Bush brought prestige to the office of the presidency and vacillation from America's enemies at a time when we as a country should have been weak from the Clintonian era malaise.

George W. Bush can rightly be remembered as the "liberator" of Iraq. Iraq is undoubtedly better off with Saddam Hussein deposed and his Baath party apparatus liquidated. Iraq is a stable partner for the US and the middle east at large.

George W. Bush built up the military despite a difficult and complicated economic picture at home. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States, was essentially correct in making counter-terrorism the main focus of the US brand, and in so doing correctly anticipated the developments in military and foreign affairs that US foreign policy would need to address.

In retrospect, Bush was a great champion of the American cause of Liberty at home and abroad. For not only did he liberate great parts of the middle east from an endless night of dictatorial terror, but he also freed the citizenry at home by, for example, allowing the Clinton-era "Assault Weapons Ban" expire, thus championing a great cause for 2nd-Amendment supporters.

Bush brought stable partnership with China, and increasing integration with the European Union during his tenure. Ultimately, he was a great president and one whose greatness was necessarily prescient with epic waves of historical movement.

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