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Anonymous - Message to the American People - YouTube

I feel that Anonymous represents the founding ideals of liberty, social justice, democracy over and against the Police State and the Military industrial Complex. Anonymous strikes me as having the best chance of waking the American people up from their dogmatic slumber. If there is going to be a social revolution which will restore the constitution and the founding documents, Anonymous is the best of our collective hopes for a better world.

Also, it's impossible to tell if Anon is just a kind of false flag exercise that has broken free of it's handlers and is now totally beyond their control or ability to suppress. It's impossible to tell what the real agenda of this hacker collective is, but we may infer from their official actions that they are working to promote a regime change here in America.

Maybe Anon ops is just a honey pot that the FEDGOV is using to try to surveil and understand how collective, leaderless resistance groups form and operate? How does one verify the motivations and intentions of those they are working with if all persons are anonymous save for a handle? I suppose the answer to that question lies in examining what your comrades do and say habitually, that is to say, how they operate across time and how they justify their actions and what kinds of actions they take.

I want to believe that Anonymous is a collective movement spawned from the obscure corners of the internet. I want to believe that they are elite cadres working diligently in the shadows of the vast and ever expanding IT networks to conduct some kind of operation(s) that will ultimately bring about peaceful (or violent?) revolution in this country and all dictatorships. I am not a hacker, and I don't know enough about computers to even pretend to be one. I do know that from the operations I have studied conducted by Anon, they seem to be genuine. Anon seems to be made-for a type and kind of idealist that so earnestly hopes for a socio-cultural shift (domestically and abroad) through the technologically induced Schwerepunkt Aktion!

If they are the great hoax at the start of the new century promulgated by Governments with too much security and counter terror funds on their hands so be it! They are obviously morphing into something that is unprecedented as far as resistance groups go, and that is their ability to use data networks and computers to achieve political ends by other means. Whether they are real or not doesn't matter, they are the model on which a reality can be based and flourish. It just takes enough dedicated cadres to be inspired, jump on a proxy, and join the raid. For a better world, I hope they are the real deal and I wish them luck. I'll be supporting them in whatever meager way I can.

Anonymous - Message to the American People - YouTube:

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