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Criminal Liability in Frank Herbert's Dune (using the 1984 David Lynch film as inspiration)

So, watched some Dune last night, did a little reading. I think the 1984 movie is a classic, fantastic vision on the part of director David Lynch. That said, I was surprised to learn just how negative are the reactions of critics and even the site Rotten Tomatoes. I think Dune the movie is pretty awesome, pretty easy to follow along.

But being somewhat interested in the legal side of things these days one big glaring error of the Dune movie is that no one ever mentions how many laws Paul Atriedes AKA "Muad'Dib" actually violates during the film. I am using US laws as a background to attempt to compile a short, but by no means exhaustive list. Assumptions are made such as the "Fremen" are considered an official terrorist organization by the Landsrat and that the Emperor of the Known Universe is considered the highest magistrate of the court system, etc. 

List of Offenses committed by Paul Atreides AKA "Muad Dib" AKA "Mahdi" AKA "Messiah of Dune" AKA "Kwisatz Haderach" AKA "Lisan al-Gaib" AKA "Usul" AKA "the base of the pillar"

1. Conspiracy to overthrow the Laandsrat. 
2. Conspiracy to incite others to violence. 
3. Conspiracy to assassinate the Emperor of the Known Universe. 
4. Using a weirding module in the commission of a crime. 
5. Using a name-as-a-killing-word in the commission of a crime. 
6. Taking the water of life without a prescription. 
7. Resisting lawful arrest by Saardukar Terror troops. 
8. Conspiracy to manufacture, possess, distribute 1 or more grams of a controlled substance (Spice Melange). 
9. Material support to a designated terrorist organization (The Fremen). 
10. Forming a terrorist organization "The Fedaykin."
11. Assault and battery on Feyd-Rautha.
12. Destruction of CHOAM company property. 
13. Using weapons of mass destruction (Atomics). 

And neither last nor least: 14. Operating a sand worm without a license. 

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