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Terror comes to Suburbia

This is a fascinating video, not so much for it's content as it's implications as they relate to the popular mind. OPSGEAR is a company that targets "tactical training" products to a civilian and law enforcement audience. I suspect their bread and butter customers are the suburban "tactical" minded middle class American male (who is increasingly unaffiliated with military or law enforcement). What is interesting about these sorts of companies and their unique training products is the fact that they are duel use, that is this training can serve both terror and counter terrorism operations.

Perhaps no greater practical joke can be orchestrated than blowing a door off it's hinges, shooting standing persons with 12 gauge baton rounds, hog tying and placing of zip tie restraints, and being secreted away a la extraordinary rendition style. Who are these men with guns? Who are the men in the room and why must one be taken away in so secure manner?

Terrorism and the war on terror in suburbia is nothing new. Suburban life in the US is stultifying for the youth who seek, through acts of mild terror, adventure as a means to escape the terror of perpetual and unremitting boredom. What is new is the influx of law enforcement style weapons and tactics into the suburban mind. For the "training up" of our suburban youth in this matter we have the internet to thank.

Doubtless we will evolve as a society in the US to one which tolerates the near daily use of drone strikes on US citizens inside US territory. The causalities will be light compared to casualties suffered by civilian populations in previous wars, like WWII for example. The end goal, which is to terrorize the population, remains the same. The only difference is that the US government, under the auspices of defeating terrorism by "targeted killing", is in reality organizing a type of technological terror on the body politic.

Watch "OPSGEAR® Commercial "Get your own Bala" RAID" on YouTube

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