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Zimmerman Trial

I think Wearable cameras from manufacturers such as Vievu that allow organizations to document actions from the user’s point of view may one day be commonplace. In fact, it may behoove States to examine legislation that would mandate their use for civilians who are also Concealed Carry Permit holders? Granted low light conditions may render such evidence gathering technology less reliable, I have noticed that many android smart phone cameras provide better low light recording than human vision in some instances and that trend should only continue as time goes on. Heck, for the sake of living in such a litigious society as ours we may well find that wearing said cameras is simply a good insurance policy.

Unfortunately we are unlikely to get any new "best practices" from this trial regardless of the outcome and we are poorer as a society for it. I think Zimmerman deeply regrets his actions (at least insofar as the strict liability he has inherited), and even if he could have aided his cause by the addition of evidence gathering technology he would probably choose now, after the fact, not to initiate pursuit. With that said, I would hope that the lessons that come from this tragic episode are that people need to mind their own business, let the police handle things, avoid confrontation, deescalate the situation whenever possible, and attempt to egress a bad scene whenever possible. And in that same vein of taking ones own advice I should look into an affordable wearable camera.

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