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Good morning america how are you?

Good job twitter not letting a singal marijuana legalization question drop on this sham elected president. Another day of Bernake and his song and dance expediting the flow of public wealth into the hands of private banksters. The lies from yesterday's jobs report are already stale. And thanks corporate america for all those shitty fast food jobs which undermine our bottom line by feeding the fatties into an unsustainable healthcare crisis tsunami. Despite the growing dysfunction and life out of balance I still take joy in the fact that americans are angrier than ever. There has never been more discontent and vitriol, more discord in the public discourse than today. Many americans do see the writing on the wall. This plane is definitely crashing. Bloated, aged white men are to blame. Its a shame that so many persons are commenting in news articles without mentioning the real watershed hero of the hour: Jared. If more americans had his courage and comittment to results...we might have a political system that was actually accountable to the welfare of its people. So today as we go about our travels let us be reminded of jared's idealism and sacrifice. The sooner we start people's courts to convict the lawyers and judges and politicians and corrupt officials in a mass uprising the better!

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