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Liveleak is hosting Anders Behring Breivik's Video

Check it out:

This is how propaganda of the deed works. You commit the deed, sacrifice your life, in the name of gaining wider recognition and possibly acceptance of the cause.

Parts of the EU are cracking under the strain of demographic shifts, and failure of alien cultures to assimilate. Nationalism is...still an issue for Europe, despite last century's war.

I certainly agree with Anders that the United Nations are a corrupt and politically dangerous organization that must be resisted, with force, by American patriots. The UN influence must be exercised from the polity as an acceptable venue for any activity that the US of A is involved with, and the liason's of the United Nations who are US citizens must be liquidated as they are traitors to the US constitution.

As for Anders Breivik's anti-islam sentiment, I take a different position. First and foremost I must state with what regards I believe the US has the potential to become a growth Market for Islam. I think the GWOT has made it politically unacceptable to the American public and it's sectors of (waning) Christendom. So, not being up close and personal to the "threat" posed by Islamification of Europe, I have some distance from what seems to be his vision of the dangers imposed (by demographic shifts in the EU).

He appears to have used a Mini-14 according to his shot at 12:09 on the video. He also had secured a pretty cool chest rig and multiple magazines. This is the sort of weapon and set up you would ostensibly need to perform this "action." I wonder if and to what degree he was knowlegdgable in European history, military history, special operations warfare, and counter-terrorist training. His target selection of an isolated Island, coincident to the bombing, was sheer brilliance in terms of operational planning, execution, COMSEC, OPSEC, egress, etc.

We still have to wonder why he was taken alive? Why did he allow them to capture him, knowing that he would be tortured and executed by the system?

Also Don't forget to check out his cool soundtrack/fb cache generously hosted by publicintelligence:

I thought "for sure, this guy is a metal dude." But then he posts all this awesome Euro trance-techno, blows my mind...

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